
by Ninth Developer



Offline Browser FOR Tianya, a look at the most authentic Chinese


哥一直以为,天涯社区里的中国,才是最真实的中国。这里没有官方新闻的假大空,有的是发生在我们周围的真实的事件。这里没有新华社的观点,有的是普通中国人的声音。这里有激烈的讨论,对真相的追求。这里有让人着迷的历史巨著,很多作家出版前先在天涯发表。哥在这里潜水多年,偶尔冒泡参加讨论,后来也发表了一片小说,写过几首歪诗。哥这一生,恐怕是离不开天涯了。可是天涯的APP很让哥捉急。先是收藏帖子的时候每次更新都要重头下载,为什么不能只下载最近的更新?哥的网络不好,看帖子经常要等半天。然后老是说给我自动下载最新的版本,下载到最后告诉我新版本校验错误,无法安装,下次继续下载错误版本。说实话要安装官方版本哥也是鼓起点勇气的。为什么它要知道我在什么地方,我的手机身份,我正在运行什么程序?为什么它要给我下载莫名其妙的文件而不通知我?为什么它要检查我的敏感日志?为什么它要能修改我的系统设置?为什么要那么多的权限?哥只想看看帖子,偶尔回复一下,为什么它要监视我的一举一动?终于有一天,哥无法登录了。无法登录就不能看帖子,哥的收藏啊,都没有了。哥欲哭无泪啊。痛定思痛,哥决定自己写一个程序来解决哥使用天涯遇到的所有问题。哥可以从网页上直接抓取数据,绕过登录这一关。哥可以在有WIFI的时候自动下载,在网络不好或者没有网络的时候看缓存。哥可以只抓帖子的最新更新而不是从头下载。哥可以选择是否看图片还是只看文字。哥可以选择只看楼主,哥可以把垃圾贴直接删除,哥可以做很多很多事情的。这个就是哥的天涯离线浏览器。哥目前只做了潜水版,看使用情况决定是否继续开发冒泡版。多谢。2016年1月12日晚。Brother always thought, a distant community in China, is the most real China.There is no official news of the hollow, some real event occurred in around us. There is no point of Xinhua News Agency, some ordinary Chinese peoples voice. There are intense discussions, the pursuit of truth. There are fascinating historical masterpiece, many writers before publication first published in the horizon. Brother here diving for years, occasionally bubbling to participate in discussions, but later published a novel, wrote several songs Waishi. Brother in this life, probably inseparable from the horizon.But the horizon of the APP is anxious to let Colombian catch.First post time favorites have heavy head download each update, so why not just download the latest update? Brothers network is not good, often have to wait half a day to see the post. Then I always say to automatically download the latest version, download the new version finally told me a parity error, can not be installed next to continue downloading the wrong version.To tell the truth you want to install the official version is to muster some courage of Columbia. Why does it want to know where I am, my phone identity, I am running what program? Why does it give me to download files without notifying me somehow? Why does it want to check my sensitive log? Why does it want to be able to modify my system setup? Why so many permissions? Brother just wanted to see the post, and occasionally reply about why it wants to monitor my every move?Finally one day, brother can not login.Unable to log on can not see the post, brother of collections, ah, no. Brother tears ah.Bitter experience, Columbia decided to write a program to solve all the problems encountered by Colombian using horizon. Brother can grab data directly from the Web, bypassing login hurdle. Costa Rica can be automatically downloaded when there is WIFI, look bad or not cached in the network when the network. Brother can catch only post the latest updates from the beginning instead of downloading. Brother can choose whether to look at pictures or look at text. The landlord can choose to look at brother, brother garbage stickers can be directly deleted, brother can do a lot of things.This is the brother of the horizon offline browser. Columbia currently only a diving version, see usage decide whether to continue to develop bubbling version.Thank you.The evening of 12 January 2016.按照play商店要求更新目标版本为28修正几个板块无法更新的问题加入字体和行间距设定对话框